Pet Pawfection

Doggie Doo Among Top 12 Christmas Toys for 2011

Aug 16 2012

According to the Toy Retailers Association, a game centered around a pooping dachshund is expected to be one of the hottest selling toys for Christmas this year. Made by Goliath, Doggie Doo is already a hit in Germany where it is known as "Kackel Dackel."

The toy dog has a leash with a pump on the end. You feed him a play-doh like substance and press the pump several times before he poops it out the other end. Along the way, it makes all sorts of wonderful, disgusting sounds.

So how do you play the actual game?

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Humans Try On Electric Bark Collar: Much Twitching and Screaming Follows

Aug 16 2012

So what happens when a human tries on an electric bark collar? Gather 'round fur brothers and sisters and get ready to howl with delight. Watch as they bark like a dog, twitch, scream, laugh and cry. I laughed so hard I lost my breakfast!

You'll notice at the beginning a fur brother trying to help the human remove the collar as he keeps twitching and leaning to the left. Us dogs don't want revenge. We just want you to get rid of that dastardly collar!


Study Finds that Dogs Walked by Men Are More Aggressive

Aug 16 2012

Aggressive Dog

A recent study conducted in the Czech Republic and recently accepted for publication in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science found that dogs walked by men are four times more likely to be aggressive towards other dogs. The study also found that dogs on leashes are more aggressive than dogs running free.

Being a dog myself, I can confirm both findings to be true. Most men are the leaders of our packs, so going on a walk with the alpha male is like going on a hunt or checking the perimeter around our territory. I may be friends with Fluffy from down the street during play dates but all bets are off when I'm on duty. Get your game face on Fluffy!

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