Pet Pawfection

Bark By Popular Demand: Seattle Rep Hosts Dogs Night Out Part Deux

Aug 16 2012

Our fur loving friends at the Seattle Repertory are at it again. An encore presentation of Sylvia where dogs are welcome alongside their human friends is scheduled for December 11 at 7:30 PM. The first Dogs Night Out was a big hit, so if you missed it due to a late nap, don't fret. This showing is for you!

Check out our previous blog entry on this subject and please pass the word along to your friends. If you are lucky enough to attend, don't forget to post some pictures for your fur brothers and sisters far away on the east coast. Enjoy!


Seattle Rep Invites Pooches to a Dogs Night Out Showing of 'Sylvia'

Aug 16 2012

When the Seattle Repertory opened its doors on Sunday, it welcomed 100 dogs along with hundreds of humans. Sylvia is a play about a man, his wife and the street-smart lab/poodle mix that "promptly becomes a bone of contention between them... testing their marriage to hilarious and touching effect." Much of the humor comes from the human actress that stars in the role of Sylvia the dog to great effect (as seen in the above video). It only makes sense that some of our Seattle fur brothers and sisters got to see the show.

This is the perfect show about dogs. Everybody loves the show 'Sylvia,' and Seattle is such a dog city that we just thought, how can we not take this valuable piece of theater about dogs and let our Seattle pet owners come see it? So it's just fun. [Katie Jackman, Seattle Rep Spokeswoman]

The lucky pups met up in the lobby to greet, mingle and sniff around before the show...

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