Pet Pawfection

Dog Doogity Song Decries Poop and Run Incidents

Aug 16 2012

Dog Doogity video shoot 4

We've reported on poop-and-runs in the past, but this is the first time we've seen a slick (and howling funny) marketing campaign. In this case, produced the video below as a public service announcement "to help raise awareness about how cleaning up your dog poop will improve water quality in Puget Sound."

The video follows a young lady and her dog walking through Seatown and the Puget Sound. According to the lyrics, "The girl and her dog, they were fine (wow) - Until they left a doodie, that's a crime (bow wow)."

So what is the moral of the story? Well human, if your furry friend "drops a deuce," then you've got to bag it up!


Humans Try On Electric Bark Collar: Much Twitching and Screaming Follows

Aug 16 2012

So what happens when a human tries on an electric bark collar? Gather 'round fur brothers and sisters and get ready to howl with delight. Watch as they bark like a dog, twitch, scream, laugh and cry. I laughed so hard I lost my breakfast!

You'll notice at the beginning a fur brother trying to help the human remove the collar as he keeps twitching and leaning to the left. Us dogs don't want revenge. We just want you to get rid of that dastardly collar!


British Dogs Enjoy the Life of Brian

Aug 16 2012


If you aren't familiar with Brian Griffin, he is the talking dog on the Family Guy show who enjoys the life of a human, with all of its benefits and vices.

Brian Griffin is an 8-year-old talking white Labrador who has lived with the Griffin family since Peter picked him up as a stray. He also possesses various anthropomorphic qualities, such as the ability to speak intelligently, drive a car, and walk bipedally. Earlier in the series, he used the catch phrase "Whose leg do you have to hump to get a dry martini around here?". He also has a particularly sharp wit. [Wikia Bio of Brian Griffin]

Although Brian is quite the mess, succumbing to just about every known human vice, the Life of Brian is the envy of all furry, four-legged creatures. According to a new survey conducted by Fox to celebrate the Season 11 release of Family Guy on DVD, Brits love to spoil their dogs rotten. In fact, almost two thirds of British dog mamas and papas treat their pooches more like humans than pets. And we thought we had it good here in the US!

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