Pet Pawfection

Robotic Guide Dog: Version 3.0

Aug 16 2012

Dogs need not fear losing guide dog jobs just yet but humans have moved one step closer with the latest version of a robot that looks kind of like a dog. Tokyo-based NSK recently showed off the third prototype of their "guide dog" robot leading a blind-folded human over a set of steps. Very impressive, and much better than the first two prototypes, but the pace is still slow going.

NSK is working on voice recognition capabilities to provide quicker control of the robot. They hope to commercialize it in 2020. I have no doubt that this robot will find some good use in the future but it will be hard to replace guide dogs. Not only are they the best at what they do, they are much cozier at night than steel and rubber.

Two paws up to Plastic Pals for the scoop!


Study Finds that Dogs Walked by Men Are More Aggressive

Aug 16 2012

Aggressive Dog

A recent study conducted in the Czech Republic and recently accepted for publication in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science found that dogs walked by men are four times more likely to be aggressive towards other dogs. The study also found that dogs on leashes are more aggressive than dogs running free.

Being a dog myself, I can confirm both findings to be true. Most men are the leaders of our packs, so going on a walk with the alpha male is like going on a hunt or checking the perimeter around our territory. I may be friends with Fluffy from down the street during play dates but all bets are off when I'm on duty. Get your game face on Fluffy!

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