Pet Pawfection

Daisy the Dog Jumps for Santa

Aug 16 2012

This fur sister can't get enough of Santa in the movie Elf. Every time Santa's face appears, Daisy starts jumping and barking. One human commented that she probably recognized Santa as the guy that tried to rob her house last year, but I can assure you, Daisy is just excited to see Santa. I suspect she is just trying to get his attention to plant some gift ideas!


Dog Shoots Hunter in Buttocks with Shotgun

Aug 16 2012

The dog has a gun

Yeah, I know. I'm late reporting this beauty of a story. According to various reports, a Utah duck hunter got a nasty surprise after laying his 12-guage shotgun down on the bow of his boat as he got out. His hound jumped on the gun causing it to discharge and embed 27 pellets into his posterior 10 feet away. So much for setting decoys. Looks like the hunter became the hunted!

This incident is being reported as an accident...

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