Pet Pawfection

Casper the Dog Loves Bubble Baths

Aug 16 2012

First we have a diving dog that corkscrews like a dolphin; now we have a dog who loves to "air the boys out" in a bubble bath! I still say that wet stuff is evil. It gets in your ears and mattes your fur. Then your human mama will likely chase you around with that equally evil hot air gun. Have fun fur dude but count me out.

By the way, doesn't Casper remind you of those cool sea turtles in Finding Nemo cruising the Easter Australian Current?

First, you were like, whoa! And then we were like, WHOA! And then you were like, whoa. [Crush, the coolest sea turtle ever]

Two pas up to NBC for the coverage.


Bark By Popular Demand: Seattle Rep Hosts Dogs Night Out Part Deux

Aug 16 2012

Our fur loving friends at the Seattle Repertory are at it again. An encore presentation of Sylvia where dogs are welcome alongside their human friends is scheduled for December 11 at 7:30 PM. The first Dogs Night Out was a big hit, so if you missed it due to a late nap, don't fret. This showing is for you!

Check out our previous blog entry on this subject and please pass the word along to your friends. If you are lucky enough to attend, don't forget to post some pictures for your fur brothers and sisters far away on the east coast. Enjoy!


Chinese Dog Goes Shopping By Himself

Aug 16 2012

Hey human, have you ever found yourself sitting there thinking... 'I wish somebody would run down to the local store and pick up some chips and beer for me?' Well fear not! A Chinese fur brother shows us all that dogs are perfectly capable of going shopping at a moment's notice.

The only thing required of you (besides a smart fur buddy with some training) is a bag or basket he can hold plus a list of things a human at the store can understand. You'll also need to throw some money in there. Don't expect the change.


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