Pet Pawfection

Frenchie the Dog Meets an NYPD Horse

Aug 16 2012

Frenchie, a French Bulldog, takes a walk near the Occupy Wall Street camp and discovers what she probably thinks is a very large dog. Much nose touching, sniffing and dancing ensues. The horse is curious but very calm throughout the entire episode. At one point, a little human tries to break in and pet the horse. Frenchie would have none of that! Get back pint-sized human - this is MY freakishly large dog friend. BOL!

My fur sister Roxy would be happy to see that Frenchie looks fashionable.


The Dog Ate My Car Payment: Tuity the Dog Has A $1,000 Snack

Aug 16 2012

Dog with money

This must be the adult equivalent of "the dog ate my homework." Tuity, a naughty Labrador Retriever, Chow, Bulldog mix, helped herself to a stack of $100 bills left on a counter in an envelope. The money was intended for a car payment. "She ate the bill, the envelope... everything," recalls Christy Lawrenson. Her hubby found a few pieces around the house before she came home for a lunch break.

I saw one $100 dollar bill almost ripped in half on the floor. I found like three or four pieces around the house. I thought somebody broke in originally. [Joe Lawrenson]

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Dog Doogity Song Decries Poop and Run Incidents

Aug 16 2012

Dog Doogity video shoot 4

We've reported on poop-and-runs in the past, but this is the first time we've seen a slick (and howling funny) marketing campaign. In this case, produced the video below as a public service announcement "to help raise awareness about how cleaning up your dog poop will improve water quality in Puget Sound."

The video follows a young lady and her dog walking through Seatown and the Puget Sound. According to the lyrics, "The girl and her dog, they were fine (wow) - Until they left a doodie, that's a crime (bow wow)."

So what is the moral of the story? Well human, if your furry friend "drops a deuce," then you've got to bag it up!


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