Pet Pawfection

Dog Shoots Hunter in Buttocks with Shotgun

Aug 16 2012

The dog has a gun

Yeah, I know. I'm late reporting this beauty of a story. According to various reports, a Utah duck hunter got a nasty surprise after laying his 12-guage shotgun down on the bow of his boat as he got out. His hound jumped on the gun causing it to discharge and embed 27 pellets into his posterior 10 feet away. So much for setting decoys. Looks like the hunter became the hunted!

This incident is being reported as an accident...

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Peanut the Dog Tangles with Skunk and Gets Buried

Aug 16 2012

Ellie with the Hambone Award

Tangling with skunks is a messy business. We all know about getting hit by the stink laser but it turns out you can get buried alive if you're not careful! Peanut, a spunky little dachshund-terrier mix, earned the title of "Most Unusual October Claim" by Veterinary Pet Insurance Co. (VPI) by mixing it up with a wily skunk under his human's deck in Sicklerville, NJ. Just like Ellie in the picture above, Peanut could be a Hambone Award winner.

According to [Peanut's human papa, Keith], his dogs have had a number of disagreements with local wildlife. Peanut especially has been known to chase four-legged intruders through small openings beneath the deck in their backyard. This battle was unlike any other, however, and left Peanut buried alive in the dirt beneath their deck. [VPI]

After hours of searching, a local firefighter saw Peanut's paw sticking out of the dirt. When they dug her out, she was barely breathing and awash in skunk musk. Peanut was rushed to an animal hospital and treated for hypothermia. She was released two days later and made a full recovery. The same can't be said for the deck. No one knows what became of the erstwhile skunk, but it looks like the skunk got the upper paw in this epic battle.

Two paws up to VPI for the story and its Hambone Awards. Go fetch for more details and heart-melting pictures of Peanut.


The Dog Ate My Car Payment: Tuity the Dog Has A $1,000 Snack

Aug 16 2012

Dog with money

This must be the adult equivalent of "the dog ate my homework." Tuity, a naughty Labrador Retriever, Chow, Bulldog mix, helped herself to a stack of $100 bills left on a counter in an envelope. The money was intended for a car payment. "She ate the bill, the envelope... everything," recalls Christy Lawrenson. Her hubby found a few pieces around the house before she came home for a lunch break.

I saw one $100 dollar bill almost ripped in half on the floor. I found like three or four pieces around the house. I thought somebody broke in originally. [Joe Lawrenson]

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