Pet Pawfection

Tarra the Elephant Loses Her Best Friend Bella the Dog

Aug 16 2012

You may remember the story of Tarra the elephant and her dog friend Bella. The video above from CBS News tells the amazing story of the unlikely pair. According to Steve Hartman of CBS Evening News, "They harbor no fears, no secrets, no prejudices. Just two living creatures who somehow managed to look past their immense differences."

Sad to say, our dear fur sister Bella was killed last week most likely by a coyote attack. In a letter from Rob Atkinson, CEO of The Elephant Sanctuary...

I write to you with very sad news. Tarra's little dog Bella has died. We found her body on Wednesday and have been dealing with the aftermath ever since, trying to work out what happened while we look after Tarra and each other.
Having carefully examined Bella's wounds and the place where she was found, we concluded that Bella had not been attacked near where she was found and neither could she have walked there.
The most probable scenario is that during the night Bella strayed from Tarra briefly and was set upon. Tarra arrived too late to save her but was able to stop further damage being done to Bella's body. With deep sadness and deeper wonder we come to comprehend what likely happened next—that Tarra picked Bella up and carried her home.

I can't help but howl out of sadness for Bella and Tarra, but we have many pictures and videos of the two to cherish. There is also a great book about the duo. Please be sure to visit Bella's Tribute Page and to keep Tarra in your thoughts and prayers.



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