Pet Pawfection

Introducing the Shweet Buttons

Aug 16 2012


For those of you who follow our News blog or The Lap Pack blog, you may have noticed new Facebook and Twitter buttons with a yellow circle filled with what seems like a magic number. You may have even noticed a message when viewing a blog post that tells you how many points you just earned. These are Shweet buttons.

Each time you view or Shweet (short for Share and Tweet) a blog entry on our site, you can earn points. These points may then be used to get a ticket on the Shweet site for one of their many product giveaways. The odds of each giveaway are very good - typically 1 in 175 to 1 in 300. All you have to do is keep reading our blog and sharing blog posts with your friends to earn more points. Nice and simple!

Check out the Shweet site for more information on prizes and how Shweet works. Have fun Shweeting! For those of you who are not interested in Shweeting, you can still use the Facebook and Twitter buttons to share and tweet as you did before.

Introducing the WANT Button

Aug 16 2012


You may have noticed a new button on our product pages. It is a grey button emblazoned with the word "WANT." So what does this puppy do? First, it allows you to add any product on our site to your own wish list. People who follow you in the WANT community can also see what things you are WANTing (if you so choose). Second, it allows you to share the items you WANT on Facebook and Twitter. Even better, you can use the WANT site to discover "products you've never seen, people with similar taste and stores you've never heard of." So I guess you could classify it as the wish list meets social networking.

I encourage you to check out the WANT site and a great introduction to its features. We chose this wish list provider because of its simplicity and large community. You can use it on any site that doesn't integrate directly with WANT like us via a version of the WANT button that you can drag to your browser's toolbar. I can't wait to see what these guys come up with next.

So get cracking on that wish list. Christmas will be here before you know it!

Introducing Waterproof No Stink Dog Collars

Aug 16 2012


Dublin Dog thinks dogs have a right to go out, get dirty and have fun. That's how their dogs live, so they make products designed for that lifestyle. Stuff that takes a beating and keeps on truckin'. Stuff that doesn't harbor dirt or bacteria. Stuff that's meant for real dogs. They don't believe a dog is an accessory, so if you carry a Chihuahua around in a purse, they're not for you.

These patent-pending collars are created from a special blend of synthetic polymers that won't absorb moisture, retain dirt, or harbor bacteria. And that's great news since, let's face it, if it's wet, muddy or stinky, your dog will find it. When he does, just rinse the collar under a bit of water and you're ready for the next adventure!

Dublin Dog fully guarantees all their products against defects in material and workmanship. Plus, their All Style, No Stink Collars have a pull strength of 1200 pounds per square inch.

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