Pet Pawfection

Introducing the WANT Button

Aug 16 2012


You may have noticed a new button on our product pages. It is a grey button emblazoned with the word "WANT." So what does this puppy do? First, it allows you to add any product on our site to your own wish list. People who follow you in the WANT community can also see what things you are WANTing (if you so choose). Second, it allows you to share the items you WANT on Facebook and Twitter. Even better, you can use the WANT site to discover "products you've never seen, people with similar taste and stores you've never heard of." So I guess you could classify it as the wish list meets social networking.

I encourage you to check out the WANT site and a great introduction to its features. We chose this wish list provider because of its simplicity and large community. You can use it on any site that doesn't integrate directly with WANT like us via a version of the WANT button that you can drag to your browser's toolbar. I can't wait to see what these guys come up with next.

So get cracking on that wish list. Christmas will be here before you know it!

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